Christian Spiritualist Church
Felixstowe's Best Kept Secret
Every Wednesday we have an evening of mediumship with a different guest mediums
7.30pm start
Doors open at 6.45pm
Our Divine Service is held the First Sunday of every month
Click here for
This week's medium
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The Temple of Light Christian Spiritualist Church is situated just a short walk from Felixstowe's sea front.
It is Felixstowe's best kept secret. A small church, but well supported by locals and holidaymakers and day trippers alike. You will always find a warm welcome on entering through the doors.
The Church regularly holds the following services
Every Wednesday Evening of Mediumship ( differing mediums each week) 7.30pm
Divine Service 1st Sunday of the month at 3pm
Many Varied Circles, classes and workshops throughout ( See related pages)
Church is also licenced for all types of weddings, baptism, naming services and funerals.
We regularly plan other events
Spiritualism is a way of life. It combines philosophy, science and religion. It covers a very wide field, and therefore, you cannot expect to understand it without a certain amount of study.
Spiritualists mainly agree on seven principles:-
1. The Fatherhood of God.
2. The Brotherhood of man.
3. The communion of spirits and the ministry of angels.
4.The continuous existence of the human soul.
5. Personal responsibility.
6 Compensation and retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth.
7. Eternal progress open to every human soul.